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How to sign up your Loyal Customers

Its important we always place our customers orders because if we leave it up to them 🙈  They will forget or simply never place it. So don't leave it up to them, simply place their order by following the following steps:
Once you have the customers phone number message them this👇👇

Hi (name)! 💕Its Eliana with It Works! Lets do this girly! 💪

I will need some info in order to place your order please 😊

First/Last name



Yes! Lets do this im ready!

Jackie Alvarez

7322 Redwood st

Las Vegas NV 89129

Awesome! Thanks love, does

the card that you will be using match the address above or does it have a different billing address?

Same Billing

Ok great! 😃 card number and expiration date please?


Exp 04/21

Thank you hun💕 I will have your confirmation shortly 😊

Once the order goes thru successfully, send them their customer ID, password, and total with tax and shipping! 💪

( the password can be something simple like “GREENS”) Heres an Example:

You're all set!😊 The total was $46.54 with tax and shipping!

To view your It Works account and my entire catalog or to change your autoship to a different product here’s your login info👇
go to my website at  **************

Your Username:  *******
Your Password: greens
Next autoship: January 11th

Text me when your product arrives!


🌟Code: 223|card is expired Please have the customer verify the expiration date on the card. If a new card was issued due to the chip or any other reason the expiration date or even card number could have been changed.

🌟Code: 300|avs rejected billing address does not match the address the card company has on record. Have the customer call the phone number on the back of the credit card, not the bank.

🌟Code: 251|lost/stolen If they need to have the customer call the phone number on the back of the credit card for an explanation.

🌟Code: 220|invalid cc number Have customer verify account number.

🌟Code: 202|credit floor , has met limit Have the customer call the phone number on the back of the credit card for an explanation. Also could mean that they've hit their credit limit (or daily limit) or there are insufficient funds.

🌟Code: 200|rejected contact cust serv Have the customer submit a ticket or call customer service

🌟Code: 201 Do not honor is a fraud alert banks put on cards sometimes to block transactions. Have them call their bank to approve the transaction.

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